On the Bus to Maale Adumim
After being invited to dinner at the Goldblatt’s (Mara Goldblatt is an alum and former ICJA teacher, who is the aunt of the author) in Maale Adumim upon Bubbie’s arrival to Israel, I felt a slight hesitation taking my normal route.
When going from Merkaz Ha’ir I typically take the light rail to Ammunition Hill and the 174 bus from there to Maale Adumim.
To my horror, the terrible attack that injured seven and killed two only one day before, had taken place at none other than Ammunition Hill.
I decided to go anyway. I figured if there’s any day where it’ll be safest at this particular place, it is the day after the attack. Plus, “I live here now,” I thought. This is a reality Israel has to deal with on a daily basis, and I can’t change my life every time there happens to be an attack.
I stepped off the light rail and the first thing I saw is a huge blue and white sign reading, “Am Yisrael lo mifacheid.” At that moment I wasn’t sure whether to smile or burst into tears. On the one hand, I was casually going about my day while standing on a platform where people were literally shot and murdered the day before, but at the same time I’m privileged to live in this phenomenal country that somehow finds hope and love out of tragedy and despair. At that moment, I couldn’t possibly feel more lucky to live here.
This feeling of the spirit of the Jew, who is knocked down and persecuted time and time again, yet perseveres and somehow comes out the other side wounded yet stronger than ever is the Jew I want to try to be going into this Yom Kippur.
We sin and we mess up, but we persevere and we promise to do better next time. That’s the mindset we should be taking as we enter into Yom Kippur this week.
L’shana Ha’Ba’a B’Yerushalayim!
Marnina Harris (’15) sent this just before Yom Kippur.