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Welcome to the new school year! Following you will find information about new student orientation and starting the new year.

To complete your child’s registration for the 2022-2023 school year, please:

  • Complete the new student forms
  • Arrange a tuition payment plan with the financial department. If you have not  done this already, please contact Michael London at either or 773-973-1450 x149. Please note that in order for your child to attend the first day of classes, a tuition payment plan must be in place and the forms above must be submitted.

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 25: New student orientation (mandatory)
  • August 29: First day of school begins at 8:05AM
  • September 5: Labor Day – no classes
  • September 20-21: All School Retreat
  • October 26: New parent orientation: Information to follow
  • October 26: Senior Parent Meeting
  • October 26: Simulated School Night

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Incoming New Students

Thursday, August 25, 3-7:30PM

  • Freshman orientation program will include a dinner sponsored by the Academy Associates, our parent organization. Please email to if you don’t eat meat or have any dietary restrictions.
  • During orientation, students receive an ICJA sweatshirt. Please submit your sweatshirt size on this Google Form:

Please note: orientation programs are for students only.

New Parents Orientation

Thursday, August 23, 5:30-7:45PM

  • 6:00 – 6:45PM: Genius Bar at ICJA: How to access your child’s grades, attendance, assignment, due dates and other features. We will help you sign up for our school tech systems and walk you through how to use them!
  • 6:45 – 7:45PM: Parents of new students are invited to be the guests of the Academy Associates, our parent organization, for dinner in the Math/Science Commons area of the school.
  • During dinner, Rabbi Matanky, will speak and answer any questions you have about our school. Please go to the following link to RSVP to the dinner and Genius Bar
  • Write a letter to your child: Several years ago, we offered parents the opportunity to write a letter to their children which would be placed in their locker on the first day of school. We found that the students really appreciated receiving good wishes from their parents and the parents enjoyed adding to the excitement of their children’s first day of school. We would like to offer all parents of new students this opportunity again this year. You can either email your letter to Suzy Nussbaum at or drop it off in the front office. We will also have paper, pens and envelopes available at the dinner for parents of new students on Thursday, August 23.


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Got Questions? Find your answers here: FAQs for New Students

Daily Schedule: Click here for our daily schedules 2018-2019. Our schedule can look confusing, we know! Click here if you would like to download an explanation or just trust us that students quickly adapt: Explanation of Daily Schedules

School Calendar: Click here to see our calendar

Student Expectations: Click here for our student expectations, including uniform requirements.

iPad User Agreement: Please download to sign and return this agreement.


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Following is an overview of the technology that we use at Ida Crown to communicate with parents and students. Detailed information about accessing these technologies is available in a shared google folder at
  • Google Calendar: Subscribe to our Google Calendar to stay up to date on all the exciting events at Ida Crown
  • DDC: DDC is the database that stores all our records. As a parent, you can use it to view your child’s attendance and grade information.
  • HaikuPowerSchool Learning (aka Haiku) is used primarily by teachers to share curriculum and content with students. As a parent, you can use it to view your child’s classes, and check on upcoming assignments and exams.
  • Student iPads: iPads are used to access enhanced content and facilitate student collaboration, creativity, and creation. But these devices do sometimes break. As a parent, please consider your child and decide what the best insurance options are for you. Again, information about all these options can be found at
  • Join our ICJA Genius Bar session: On August 23 at 6PM, prior to the dinner for new parents, we are pleased to offer you an optional session ‘Genius Bar: How to Access Your Child’s Grades, Attendance, Assignment Due Dates & Other Features.’ At this session we will walk you through signing up to our ICJA technology of DDC & PowerSchool/ Haiku in addition to answering your other tech questions. Please go to the following link to RSVP to the dinner and Genius Bar. If you have any questions about school technology, now or in the future, do not hesitate to contact our Instructional Technology Coordinators, Rabbi Binyomin Segal and Mrs. Olivia Friedman at or

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