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Rosh Madrich, Yeshivat Hakotel

The whole situation of being in yeshiva during coronavirus was not simple. For the most part, the time I’ve spent at Yeshivat Hakotel was not under the most ideal circumstances. The thing that kept me going when times got tough was the fact that I knew I was helping others succeed and have an enjoyable experience at yeshiva. It was fulfilling to help the younger guys have a positive start during a terrible time, given the tough circumstances, and at the same time enabling them to learn as much Torah as possible. I have taken upon myself different roles in the last few months in order to accomplish this goal. There were many times I would deliver food and other items for the boys in quarantine. And because there was a need for it, I used my vacation time between semesters to continue helping and planning programs to keep the morale up. What I hope to accomplish is for the guys coming to Hakotel for their year in Israel to have a safe, enjoyable, and meaningful year through whatever means necessary.

When I was in Ida Crown I started a club called S.H.E.M.A. (Students, Helping, Encouraging, and Motivating Another). Our goal was to encourage one another to grow in our Torah, Mitzvot, and Middot. This initiative, with help from Rabbi Kurtz and Mr. Harris, has propelled me in the past few years to take on similar projects, and was one of the driving factors that enabled me to accomplish so much as the Rosh Madrich at Yeshivat Hakotel.

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