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A member of the ICJA Class of ’75, Michelle has been a fixture in Jewish communal life in Chicago for decades, serving as Chairwoman of the Board of Ida Crown, as well as Board Chair at Moshava, Keshet, and many other communal institutions.  “I believe in giving back,” Michelle explains.  “If you want to make a difference, you have to be part of making a difference.”

Currently, Michelle serves as Chairman of the Board at Keshet, where, she explains, her identity as a Jewish woman and a disabled person come together: “My goal is to create a community that is inclusive of everyone in the community.”  In her many board roles, Michelle has found that she is always “the only disabled person at the table.”  As Keshet Board Chair, Michelle is working to change that: “My goal with Keshet is for every disabled person to lead a meaningful, production life and have the opportunity to be a part of every part of the Jewish community.”

Michelle’s family has a long history at ICJA: In addition to serving as a former Board Chair, being an alumna, and a parent of alumni, Michelle has memories of her beloved grandmother Ida Rosen, who “was the original fundraiser at ICJA.”  “My grandmother was always involved in the Jewish community and volunteering – I learned at her knee.”  Today, Michelle is using her leadership skills to dismantle barriers and ensure that each and every Jew is fully embraced by the Jewish community.

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