Bringing Halacha to Life
Students in Mrs. Yitzhak’s Advanced Jewish Studies Program classes have concluded each unit in halacha over the past several weeks with a creative project meant to enhance Shabbat.
As a culminating activity after learning the laws of candle lighting this week, the sophomore class learned a new artistic technique called quilling. They used the technique to create breathtaking displays of the bracha and tefilla recited at Shabbat candle lighting.
In another unit, students made elaborate designs with dinner napkins and rings after finishing a unit on the laws of Kavod Shabbat.
They made challah in class, and were able to take challah with a bracha, after completing the unit of hafrashat challah.
The projects offer students an artistic outlet to compliment the Torah learning and a way to make the lessons practical. No doubt Shabbat will have more meaning for our sophomore girls, who are focusing on both the shamor and zachor aspects of the day.
The halacha lessons are part of a new curriculum for Hilchot Shabbat. The curriculum is marked by a unique style of instruction which allows Jewish law and values to be taught in an innovative style, engaging the students and capturing their attention.
ICJA is piloting the new course with Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and his institute for halacha, Merkaz Halakha. Last year, the Academy piloted a successful curriculum in the laws of kashrut with girls in Advanced Jewish Studies Program that was prepared in Israel especially for the Academy.
Building on that program’s success, we expanded the project this year with new materials for teaching the laws of Shabbat and a special unit on shmita. The pilot of the Shabbat curriculum for sophomore girls is led by Mrs. Yitzhak and Rabbi Segal. Read more about the program.