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ICJA’s 2023 literary and artistic journal Charlotte’s Web has received the designation “Excellent” once again from the National Council of Teachers of English, their highest honor.

Yasher koach to this year’s editors:

Editors in Chief: seniors Dory Marshall, Shayna Weinstein, and Shuli Falk

Art Editor: senior Jacob Friedman

Prose Editor: juniors Jacob Friedman, Hadar Simkovitch, and Levy Polsky

Poetry Editors: juniors Ella Perlman, Tali Weiss, and Eliana Levine

Layout Editor: senior Gabe Klein

Yasher koach also to last year’s contributors, to last year’s editors Charli Ernstein ’23, Kayla Kupietzky ’23, Michal Bechoffer ’23, Dory Marshall ’24, Shayna Weinstein ’24, Shuli Falk ’24, Jacob Friedman ’24, Gabriel Klein ’24, and to Mrs. Marsha Arons!

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