Safety Protocol as Recommended by the Board of Health March 12, 2020
16 Adar 5780
March 12, 2020
Dear ICJA Family:
As concerns regarding COVID-19 continue to mount, I wanted to assure you that we are in daily contact with the Skokie Board of Health and are following their mandates. We are also consulting with several infectious disease physicians, both locally and nationally, and will continue to respond proactively to their recommendations.
This week we have added additional maintenance staff and are now regularly disinfecting high contact surfaces in the school (door handles, desks, countertops, etc.).
We ask that if your child is showing any symptoms of a cold or flu, please do not send him/her to school, and consult your doctor for a course of action.
Our first priority is the safety of our community and we will continue to closely monitor the situation.
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy