Students attend leadership conference
Six ICJA student leaders and Mrs. Alissa Zeffren joined the NCSY JUMP (Jewish Unity Mentoring Program) conference in Connecticut this week, a teen mentoring initiative that brought together students from 20 different schools in North America. This is the second year and Academy cohort attended the leadership conference where students hear from speakers and panelists in various community roles who inspire and empower them to develop meaningful programs in their schools and communities. Each year they announce a challenge for the school teams to compete to develop programming with the greatest impact, and the top five teams return to NY for the “JUMP boardroom” to compete. This year’s challenge focuses on Jewish Education or Jewish Advocacy, and the ICJA team chose advocacy.
Sophomore Ayden Allswang says, “The Ida Crown team loved JUMP and found lots of meaning and inspiration from it. All of the speakers, session and panels brought new energy to leadership and advocacy, and we are excited to bring what we have learned back to Ida Crown and our community.”
After the conference they continue to work with their team mentor to complete their project.