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13 Tishrei 5780
October 1, 2020

Dear ICJA Family:

Just a short while ago, we officially began our Sukkot Vacation. While there are concerns about what will happen in our community over the next couple of weeks (see yesterday’s update), I want to thank our students, staff, and families for all they have done to keep our school open! There is always room for improvement, but ICJA is considered the paradigm of a school that takes both the education and our community’s health very seriously.

This past week were Student Council elections, and I am pleased to share the results:

President: Ronen Lavi
Vice President: Aharon Falk
Treasurer: Jonathan Thomas
Secretary: Kayla Kupietzky
Senior Class Representatives:
Noi Cohen, Ezra Landman-Fleigelson and Tali Rosenzweig
Junior Class Representatives:
Gavriel Engel, David Gaffen, Hannah Rothner, Hannah Stein and Gabe Burstyn (alternate)
Sophomore Class Representatives:
Emma Felix, Noah Fensterheim, Gabi Rosenzweig, Kenny Shapiro, Hadassah Bernstein (alternate), and Ori Wasserman (alternate)
Freshman Class Representatives:  
Noa Gavant, Jacob Pick, Joseph Rothner, Jordana Zwelling, and Rotem Lavi (alternate).

Congratulations to all of the representatives, alternates, and officers. We look forward to great things from this year’s Student Council!.

Next Thursday night, there will be a Leil Hoshana Rabbah Mishmar for 11th & 12th boys (8-9 pm) and for recent alumni (9-10 pm). See the attached flyer for more information.

Finally, Sukkot is referred to as zman simchateinu – the time of joy. But that’s a strange moniker for a holiday where we have to leave our homes’ comfort to live in a temporary structure. But that’s the point! Real happiness and joy is not a function of what we have, but what we can be. And Sukkot reminds us is that just as our ancestors traveled faithfully for forty years in the desert, protected by G-d’s presence, and the sukkot they built, we too must have faith in G-d and in the communities we have created. Together, and with G-d’s help, we will overcome the challenges we face and rejoice in our many achievements!

Enjoy the Sukkot vacation, relax, and make time for learning and all of the special mitzvot of the chag!

Stay safe, stay connected, and be inspired!

Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

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