Three Reunions in Just One Week
Several groups of alumni Aces gathered to catch up with one another and reconnect to the Academy over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Locally, the class of 2006 held their 10-year reunion at our new building in Skokie. Attendees reminisced with one another motzaei Shabbat and toured our new building.
Meanwhile, in Israel, last week alumni studying in Israel from our classes of 2015 and 2016 gathered together with Rabbi Matanky for a reunion. That group went on to organize a siyum of chumash at the Kotel on motzaei Shabbat in the merit of a refuah shleima for their classmate, Caleb Maeir. Kol hakavod!
On Tuesday of last week, the class of 1976 reunited in Jerusalem for their 40th reunion. It never ceases to amaze us that some of our alumni classes have more alumni living in Israel than in the U.S., making high school reunions more practical in Israel.