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Updated: February 14, 2022

1. ICJA has a COVID vaccine mandate. All students, staff, and faculty must be fully vaccinated and boosted. Documentation to this effect must be on file in the office.

2. Students under 16 years of age are not required to be vaccinated until the COVID vaccine becomes FDA approved for their age group. However, if not vaccinated, students will be required to have a twice-weekly (Monday and Thursday) PCR test at the school and not be permitted to participate in overnight events (i.e., shabbatonim).

3. All student-athletes who compete in indoor sports must have a twice weekly (Monday and Thursday) PCR test at the school to remain on their teams.

4. Any student, teacher, or staff member with any COVID-like symptoms should not come to school until receiving a negative result on a COVID antigen or PCR test. COVID symptoms include loss of taste, fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, or an unusual headache. 

5. If you, G-d forbid, test positive for COVID-19:

 a. Stay home for five days from the onset of symptoms or the positive test date. If you are unsure if you had symptoms before testing positive, use the date of your positive test as “day 0.”

 b. If you are asymptomatic or if your symptoms have significantly improved, you can return to school on day six, provided you can strictly mask for at least another five days (total of 10 days), and when eating, maintain at least six feet from others. If you cannot abide by these restrictions, do not come back to school until ten days have passed.

6. If you were exposed to COVID-19:

FULLY VACCINATED: If you were exposed (15+ minutes within 6 ft) to a person who is COVID positive – and you are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic – you must be masked in school for at least five days. If you test negative on an antigen test after day five, there is no need to mask any longer. If not, you must remain masked for ten days. 

(Fully vaccinated means having received both vaccines and the booster, OR having received the second of the two-dose series within five months or less.)

NOT FULLY VACCINATED: If you were exposed (15+ minutes within 6 ft) to a COVID-positive person and are not fully vaccinated, you must quarantine at home for at least five days. If you test negative on an antigen test after day five, you can return to school unmasked. If not, you must remain quarantined for ten days.

 7. ICJA is a “mask recommended” school. However, teachers may request that students must be masked while in their classes. 

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