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Updated May 16, 2022

As the COVID pandemic continues to evolve, the medical committee of ICJA has recommended, and the ICJA Board has endorsed the following revised policy.

(These guidelines will continue to be reviewed as the situation changes and as more data are accumulated.) 

1. All students, faculty, and staff over the age of 16 must be fully vaccinated.

2. It is no longer necessary for our unvaccinated students or our indoor athletes to be tested weekly. 

3. Anyone who is symptomatic needs to be tested before coming to school (e.g., via a PCR or antigen test) . 

4. If you, G-d forbid, test positive for COVID-19:

a. Stay home for five days from the onset of symptoms or the positive test date. If you are unsure if you had symptoms before testing positive, use the date of your positive test as “day 0.”

 b. If you are asymptomatic or if your symptoms have significantly improved, you can return to school on day six, provided you can strictly mask for at least another five days (total of 10 days), and when eating, maintain at least six feet from others. If you cannot abide by these restrictions, do not come back to school until ten days have passed.

5. Exposure to COVID

a. Unvaccinated students who are exposed to COVID must be quarantined and remain at home for 10 days. 

b. Vaccinated persons who are exposed to COVID may attend school but must be masked for 10 days. If after day five the person tests negative on an antigen or PCR test, there is no need to mask any longer. If not, the person must remain masked for the full 10 days. 

6. Before a Shabbaton or other “intense” extracurricular programs, we will require unvaccinated students to be tested and present negative results to the office.

7. If an unvaccinated person over the age of sixteen had a documented case of COVID-19, that person may remain in ICJA through the end of the 2021-2022 school year even without immunization. During the first three months following their illness, no additional testing is required. However starting with month four, that person must be tested weekly to remain in school.

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