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19 Elul 5781

August 27, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Shabbat is almost here, and so is the end of a very successful first week.

But it’s been a busy week, not only with special events but with some of the usual fine-tuning that comes with a new school year. For example, despite distributing schedules in June and again a few weeks ago, Dr. Green made over 120 class changes for students this week! And that doesn’t include the changes that were not approved because of class sizes, scheduling conflict, or level of instruction.

This morning, I continued my practice to greet students as they came to school (Dr. Green and Dr. Brown joined me as well), and special for Friday, I asked them about the parsha. A few of the kids didn’t know the parsha – at which point I encouraged them to “check google – that’s why G-d created it!”

One of the many curricular changes this year is the introduction of a new Hebrew language curriculum for some of our classes. Called Ulpan Or, it incorporates songs and more media to help students learn modern Hebrew. One of the first songs they learned was “Achla Chamuda,” a popular song by Israeli composer Benni Bashan. But I didn’t know about this song until I heard some 10th-grade boys singing it in the hallway (Jacob Wortman and Jacob Pick) and some of the 12th grade doing so as well. B”H, I guess it’s working!

Motzaei Shabbat, most of our girls, will be at the Pool Party sponsored by ICGC, and registrations are still coming in for the boys’ Bowling event on Monday night. (Flyers attached).

And, of course, the retreat is just around the corner! Our medical committee has been guiding us throughout the pandemic and has just given us the go-ahead for all students to participate in the retreat, no matter their vaccination status. However, those who have yet to receive their first dose will need to arrange alternative transportation to Camp Nageela since buses are a higher risk setting (even though everyone will be masked on the buses).  

We hope that with the recent full approval of the Pfizer vaccine, everyone will be vaccinated in the coming weeks. For those 16 and older, full vaccination is required by mid-October.

Today in Mrs. Pedersonā€™s senior math class students were learning how to use graphs to find limits.  Kol hakavod to Sophie Fretzin and Leora Lakser who presented their graphs to the class based on the limits Mrs. Pederson gave them.  Next week, they will evaluate limits algebraically! 

Applications are now open for the Teen Leadership Board at the Holocaust Museum. We are very proud of Ayelet Appel, Noa Gavant, Kayla Kupietzky and Carmel Schreiber who have been members of the board and encourage others to apply. It is a great opportunity to meet other Jewish teens and to volunteer for an important cause. Here  is the link:

Finally, I want to give a shout-out to our soccer and cross country teams. While meets and matches did not happen this week, it’s great to see our students so engaged in sports! (And on Monday, there will be a soccer game against Christian Liberty Academy – good luck!)

Monday is a regular day. All periods meet, and dismissal is at 5:39 pm.

Candle lighting tonight is at 7:12 pm, and don’t forget that Motzaei Shabbat is Selichot.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

18 Elul 5781

August 26, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

When I got to school this morning, Mrs. Nylund, who opens the office, greeted me with some great news. She told me that yesterday, the archery/ax-throwing company staff had come to the office and told her how outstanding our students are. They said that they work at many schools, but our students were the most respectful and kindest they had encountered. And then, a few minutes later, Rabbi Rosenbaum walked into my office and said that “yesterday, our students made a real kiddush Hashem,” and proceeded to give me a similar report.

What a great way to start the morning. Especially because it is so true. We have a great student body, fantastic teachers, and a wonderfully supportive community – all the necessary ingredients that make ICJA the best school in town!

But of course, we also have fantastic learning opportunities. Today in 10th grade U.S. History, Mr. Cooper created a “Historical Iron Chef” competition. Students were tasked to design healthy meals as a 1490 Native American trying to feed their family, competing with a 1490 Afro-Eurasian Chef trying to create signature dishes for their restaurant. And why did he do this? To help students to understand the impact Christopher Columbus had on the world! Philip Maimon, Charli Ernstein, and Andrew Burson had particularly enticing entrees!

And while this was going on, Mr. Keller’s STEM students were busy building a circuit in a virtual simulation using an Arduino – a microprocessor with pins that attach to any type of sensor. By the end of this week, students have their first circuits constructed and a basic understanding of circuitry. Congratulations to Chuck Moscovitch for getting his circuit to work right at the bell!

Today was also the second COVID test for students who are not fully vaccinated. As per our protocols, we are currently doing these tests twice a week until all students are fully vaccinated. With the recent FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine for sixteen-year-old students, we will now require vaccinations for all of our students who are 16 years and older and continue to strongly recommend vaccinations for those who are younger.

This policy was approved by our board back in June and based on the unanimous recommendation of our medical committee. Due to the upcoming chagim, students 16 years and older will have until mid-October to receive their second vaccination.

A couple of days ago, Noah Fensterheim approached me regarding a problem. We have a mandatory masking policy at school, and besides breakfast and lunchtimes, students are not allowed to remove their masks while inside. But, if a student wants to take a sip of water, they are allowed to use a straw while wearing a mask.

But what if they don’t have a mask? Noah decided to solve the problem and ordered straws that are now available in the education office. Students are invited to drop by a take a straw! Thanks, Noah.

TOMORROW IS THE DEADLINE TO SIGN-UP FOR THE RETREAT! Students – please take care of this TONIGHT. And don’t forget to use your account to access the online form – here

Finally, if you didn’t watch our video from “opening day,” here is the link – click here to watch.

Tomorrow is an early dismissal day – school ends at 3:34 pm, and in the afternoon, only periods 7, 8, and 9 meet.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

17 Elul 5781

August 25, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Today we had our very first “pop-up” event. What’s a “pop-up” – it’s something we learned to do last year during the height of COVID, a surprise fun program for all of our students. And today’s “pop-up” was archery and ax throwing.

Why archery and ax-throwing!? Because in less than two weeks is Rosh Hashana – a time when we have to reassess our lives, aim high and try to hit the target!

It was a lot of fun and one of the many things planned to build school spirit. (Don’t forget about the ICGC event Saturday night, the Boys’ event Monday night, and the all-school Retreat!).

But what was even better was right after I threw an ax for a bullseye, I received a video of the senior boys’ Talmud A and B classes learning b’chevruta in the Beit Midrash. It looked so good that I went in to check it out – and it was good! Kol Hakavod to Rabbis Broner and Fox for coordinating this project.

And then, to make things even better, Rabbi Broner showed me the galleys of a new sefer on the Rambam, about to be published and written by Zachary Millunchick – class of 2010. What nachas!

A little later in the morning, Mrs. Friedman’s senior girls’ AJSP class learned about the significance of names, acting out the Talmudic story of Kidor the Innkeeper (Yoma 83b). As part of her assessment of the lesson, Mrs. Friedman had the students create memes of the story – and Liba Mott’s among the best!

Today we also received a brief video (1:59 minutes) of our first day back at school – click here to watch.

Tomorrow is a full day, and dismissal will be at 5:39. All of the periods will meet.

Students – remember to sign up for Retreat. But don’t forget to use your account to access the online form – here

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

16 Elul 5781

August 24, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Today, I had a chance to drop into some classes and “shep nachas” from all of the learning that is going on. 

In the morning, I had a chance to watch Rabbi Broner’s Talmud class as they were learning outside and engaged in some wonderful high-level discussions. And this afternoon, I was able to drop into history (Mrs. Zeffren), science (Ms. Gleicher), math (Mrs. Pederson & Mrs. Chambers), and psychology (Dr. D’Anna) classes. There was some great teaching and some very creative techniques to engage the students – from using the app “pair-deck” to share information and poll students to a game that involved graphing opinions. It’s hard to believe that school started just yesterday – because of the level of learning and engagement.

But what’s even more exciting is students’ interactions beyond the classroom – watching them “hang out” in our common areas – as they use their free time to study, schmooze, or simply to relax. It’s great to see the building returning to a somewhat “normal” use (albeit with student masks and distancing).

But one note – except for breakfast and lunchtimes, students must keep their masks on at all times. This means that if a student wants to eat a snack, please step outside where masks are optional. Of course, students and faculty can sip drinks through a straw while wearing their masks.

Yesterday, I shared some of the exciting programs coming up this week and the news of the all-school retreat. To sign up for the retreat is here, but only those with email addresses (i.e., students) can access the form.

The first day of regular tefillah went very well. Still, special mention and thanks go to five senior girls (Abby Aberman, Laura Bellows, Sarah Friedman, Carly Sorscher, and Maya Wasserman) who are leading small tefillah groups for freshmen girls and transfer students. It’s a program we started three years ago with then seniors and now ICJA alumni Sarah Weiss and Hadassah (Gubin) Nadoff, and we are very proud of our students for helping out!

Tonight at 8:00 pm, parents of 9th-grade students are invited to join Ms. Ruth Gleicher and Mrs. Beth Pogonitz, our biology teachers, for an online orientation on how we teach biology at ICJA. Here is the zoom link.

Finally, in conjunction with this year’s Hakarat Hatov/#gratitude theme, our Mechanchim have launched the “What I’m Grateful For” photo contest! Take a picture of what you are grateful for at ICJA. Caption it. Submit it. We’ll print and display it. Each submission = 1 raffle ticket for a $25 gift card to Dunkin donuts! Please send submissions to The contest will run until the Sukkot break.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

15 Elul 5781

August 23, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Day one is a wrap! But so many wonderful things happened that I think it’s a wrap with a big bright bow on top šŸ™‚

Our first school day began with an all-school minyan and a celebration of a new Sefer Torah donated by the Korman Family in memory of their husband, father, and grandfather, Ira Korman, z”l.

Ira was an exceptional person, the father of three ICJA alumni, a leader in the business world, and a person who knew how to get things done quietly, firmly, and with a great deal of skill. 

The Torah was supposed to be dedicated earlier this year, on his 10th yahrzeit, but due to COVID, we postponed it to today – and it added a beautiful depth to the opening of the school year. 

Before the Torah was brought out to the minyan, I shared with our ICJA community that the Ba’al Shem Tov taught that the Jewish people are like a living Torah scroll, and every individual Jew is a letter within it. Today, as we began our 79th year of Torah study at ICJA, we were able to celebrate all of our ICJA family – all the letters in our scroll, through the gift of a new Torah!

And then, we were back to school. 60 new students, 2 new teachers, and 1 new member of our administrative team – but it felt as if we were right back where we left off, partnering with parents and students to inspire the next generation of Bnei and Bnot Torah.

Of course, there were a few bumps in the road, a few classes had moved to new rooms, and not everyone “got the memo,” and there were a few program changes. But all in all, the day went smoothly – from period one to twelve – with an Academy Associates ice bream truck in between.

At a midday assembly, we introduced this year’s school theme: #gratitude / הכ×Ø×Ŗ הטוב – with the hope that we will be focusing on all that we can do this year, and not on the few restrictions which remain. To watch the video we produced for the assembly, click here.

Yesterday, I announced our ICGC program scheduled for Saturday night (a pool party) and our Mechanchim’s program for the boys (bowling) scheduled for next Monday night. See the attached flyers for more information.

And don’t forget the biggest news – our ALL-SCHOOL RETREAT – Tuesday, September 14! Please sign up using the google form linked here, and bring $20 to the office by this Friday! We thank Tom and Leslie Silverstein for sponsoring this important school event. See the attached flyer for details. 

Tomorrow night, August 24, at 8:00 pm, parents of 9th-grade students are invited to join Ms. Ruth Gleicher and Mrs. Beth Pogonitz, our biology teachers, for an online orientation on how we teach biology at ICJA. Here is the zoom link.

It’s great to be back, and as always, if there is anything I can do to help make your ICJA experience even better – please email me at or call me at the school (773.973.1450).

See you tomorrow for day two!

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired.



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

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