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26 Elul 5781

September 3, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Shabbat is coming, and so is a new year. Over the past few days, our teachers have embarked on some creative projects to give our students a chance to reflect and prepare for 5783.

Earlier today, you received the school ebulletin where you saw pictures of the honey soap project from Mrs. Friedman’s class. And yesterday and today were the “Gratitude-grams” that the Student Council and the Interact Club delivered (thank you, Ori Wasserman, for the nice note!).

Also, today there was the pre-Shabbat kumsitz under the tents. This event attracted nearly all students who were free during the 5th period. It featured a story by Rabbi Rosenbaum, songs led by teachers and students, and Rabbi Fox’s famous pre-Shabbat cholent (fleshig, parve, and gluten-free varieties!)

In Mrs. Kahan’s class, she took a few minutes for everyone to write brief Rosh Hashana blessings that were then shared with the entire class. Leah Zelden brought a set of those brachot from one of the classes, and it was touching to read them. There are too many to report on, but here are a few excerpts: 

“I wish everyone a sweet new year… sweet new friendships, sweet new experiences, sweet new accomplishments…” (Hailey Goltz). “I hope everyone can defeat the challenges that arrive next year” (Ben-Tzion Rine). “Shana Tova, have a great holiday break…” (Uriel Kolom). “I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and safe new year.” (Elana Druk).

When we return next Thursday, it will be Tzom Gedaliah – a fast day. As a result, the schedule will be a bit different. We will end school early (2:30 pm) after mincha and 9th period. Also, in the morning, our Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Brand, will be addressing all of the school.

The retreat is just around the corner (September 14), and just a few reminders:

1. School will begin at the regular time (8:05 am). Following davening and breakfast, the school will gather for a quick assembly, and then we are headed to Camp Nageela.

2. We are scheduled to return by 9:40 pm.

3. Students who are not attending will be marked absent on the day (i.e., it will count as one of their four absences for the quarter)

4. Students must wear their uniform clothing for retreat. However, girls may wear pants under their skirts for sports.

5. Students who are not fully vaccinated need to arrange alternative transportation to and from Camp Nagela. Vaccinated students riding the buses will need to be masked for the entire ride. Everyone will need to be masked when indoor at the retreat.

This Motzaei Shabbat will be the 10th anniversary reunion (+ one year due to COVID) for the class of 2010. We’re looking forward to seeing many of our alumni (about 60 are expected) at the school!

Shana Tova to everyone! May this coming year be filled with health, happiness, Torah, and inspiration!

Candle lighting tonight is at 7:01 pm.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

25 Elul 5781

September 2, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

This morning began not only with davening but with a daf yomi siyum of Mesechet Sukkah. Organized by our mechanchim, more than 50 students joined under the tents to listen to Rabbi Rosenbaum read the concluding words of the Mesechet, Rabbi Fox said the Hadran and Rabbi Stromer said the kaddish, and then there were donuts for all. Mazal tov!

A little later, I had a chance to learn some Torah while watching Mrs. Wainkrantz’s senior girls class. As many of you know, Mrs. Wainkrantz is a veteran teacher at ICJA and teaches Tanach to our girls. But today’s class, while including many references to Tanach, was more about preparing for Rosh Hashana via the ideas of the Chassidic masters – from the Sfat Emet to HaRav Kook, z”l. 

While Mrs. Wainkrantz describes herself as a “closet chasid,” I knew her parents, z”l, and the truth, that she comes from a distinguished family of Amshinover chasidim. And therefore, she was able to engage the girls in her class as they discussed the “Kol Yaakov” and the “pintele Yid.” But what really makes the difference is her energy and enthusiasm – and when a girl got the right answer or asked an excellent question – there was one of her “handshakes” in reward. Kol hakavod to Abby Aberman and Attar Benmelech for being among those recognized with that honor!

Tomorrow, immediately after davening will be Hatarat Nedarim. The 9th-grade girls will go to the Beit Midrash for Hatarat Nedarim, and the rest of the classes will do it in their regular locations. Which not only means that Rosh Hashana is right around the corner but so are all of the chagim that will fill the month. If my math is correct, we have six more days of classes in September, four of which have abbreviated schedules.

Also happening tomorrow will be a pre-Rosh Hashana Tisch during lunch (5th and 6th periods). As we get in the mood for a New Year, all students are invited to the tents for singing, cholent, and divrei Torah. At the same time, students are also invited to the Math-Science Commons to sign up for Mathletes. 

Tomorrow’s dismissal is at 3:34 pm, and periods 10, 11, and 12 meet.

Finally, a couple of days ago, after I visited Ms. Goldstein’s class, I neglected to give a shout-out to Noam Braun. So here it is – Noam Braun!

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

24 Elul 5781

September 1, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Last night our soccer team played a match against Cristo Rey. From the perspective of goals scored, let’s just say ICJA didn’t do as well as they had hoped. But there was a definite “win,” as Mrs. Pogonitz relayed to me last night in an email – “As Milo Benmelech was making a defensive play, his kippah was knocked off. Gabriel Klein was running in that direction, and without slowing down, he scooped it up and held it out when he got next to Milo, who put it back on – all without breaking stride.”

Why was it a “win?” Because in reality the overwhelming majority of our athletes are not headed to starring roles in college sports, nor to professional sports. But we support sports – not only because of the health benefits, the lessons of teamwork, and the opportunity to excel beyond the classroom – but because of the lessons that ICJA sports can teach our students about mentschlichkeit and middot tovot. And that’s what happened last night. So yes, the soccer team scored a “win” and maybe Thursday night at their next match, they will score some additional goals and score that other kind of “win.”

Tomorrow, during breakfast all of our students are invited to the tents for a daf yomi siyum of mesechet Sukkah. There will be divrei Torah and donuts for all. So join us and celebrate the members of our school who have been learning daf yomi!

Also tomorrow Student Council and the Interact Club are have a “gratitude gram” project. Write a note of gratitude to someone in school and have the note and some candy delivered to them on Friday. See the attached flyer for more information.

On Friday, everyone is invited to join the Math Team for a meeting during 5th/6th period lunch in the math/science commons. For any questions or comments, please email or talk to Mrs. Pederson ( and/or the Captain Hershel Thomas ( According to Hershel, “Joining the Math team was honestly the best experience I have ever had in Ida Crown. It has advanced my math knowledge far beyond what is normally taught in school. Joining the team also creates an opportunity to meet fellow math Olympians and visit other high schools.”

Tomorrow is Thursday and therefore, a regular day, and dismissal is at 5:39 pm.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

23 Elul 5781

August 31, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

This afternoon, I was in Ms. Goldstein’s senior creative writing class. She had shared with them some questions which they had to answer that could be prompts for an essay, and she was going around the room asking for their responses. Listening to them and watching the way they interacted with Ms. Goldstein, despite the masks, was fantastic.

When I first stepped in, Amitai Kakon asked me if they would get a “shout-out” in today’s email. I told him “maybe” – but I guess I just did! 

But that’s not the only reason we visit classes. Because this year, our administrative team is working to increase our classroom visits and feedback we give to teachers. As of today, over forty observations have been completed, and nearly every teacher has had an administrator or department chair provide feedback. It’s exciting, and Dr. Brown is leading this charge – kol hakavod.

By the way, we don’t only give “shout-outs” to current students. As I was writing this email, a parent sent me a great picture of six members of the class of 2021 at the Kotel. It was great to see the smiles on the faces of Zeke Zwelling, Benny Grey, Asher Pressburger, Isaac Shiner, Jacob Strahlberg, and Benjamin Katz – just a few of the more than 85% of their class spending their “fifth ICJA year” in Israel.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

22 Elul 5781

August 30, 2021

Dear ICJA Family:

Welcome to week two at ICJA. 

This morning I had the pleasure to peek in on one of our special 9th-grade girls’ davening programs. As I mentioned in an earlier email, the 9th-grade girls davening is led by a group of senior girls this year. One of them is Laura Bellows, who is working with three exceptional students who came to ICJA from public school.

Laura is teaching them about davening, helping them learn how to daven, and being an extra guide for them as they begin a Jewish day school journey. It is a pretty big task, but she is doing a fantastic job. How do I know? Because Laura has already come to me to help one of the girls who needs some changes in her program. This is precisely what we hoped the girls would do and exactly what we hoped Laura would be able to engender! Kol haKavod to her, and we are so excited that these and other former public school students part of the ICJA family.

A little later this morning, I had a chance to visit some classes. I stepped into Mrs. Tanner’s 9th grade Ivrit class, where the students from three different day schools (Arie Crown, Hillel Torah, and Solomon Schechter) were all studying Ivrit together – what nachas!

And then on to Mrs. Kraft’s junior Navi class where her students were watching “The Last Lecture.” If you haven’t watched the video or read the book – I highly recommend it! (In fact, our incoming 9th graders had to read it over the summer.) But why was a Chumash class watching that video? That’s a question Mrs. Kraft will be answering with her class, so I don’t want to answer it for them. But it also is a lead-in to an assignment her students will have to write about the things of enduring value that drive their lives. 

Today, the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades received an email invitation to participate in our Student-to-Student program. To learn more about this great program, click here, and to apply online, click here. Applications are due October 10.

Tonight the boys are going bowling at BOWLERO, Niles 7333 N. Milwaukee Ave. The event begins at 7:30 pm and ends at 9:00 pm. Thank you to our mechanchim Rabbi Yoni Fox and Rabbi Mayer Simcha Stromer for arranging this fun evening.

Also, tomorrow morning at the beginning of 1st period, Rabbis Fox and Stromer have arranged a special guest speaker (over zoom) – Rabbi Josh Blass, one of the mashgichim at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Blass will be speaking about selichot to all of our classes. 

Finally, I want to express our hakarat hatov to Agudath Israel of Illinois for all of their work to make sure that ICJA and other schools received our fair share of Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) funding. Combined with their efforts on behalf of the tuition tax credit program, they have made a real difference for our school. Thank you!

Tomorrow is an early dismissal day. We will skip the second period, and dismissal is 4:58 pm.

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay inspired!



Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy 

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