Weeks of May 3-7 & 10-14
3 Sivan 5781
May 14, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Seventy-three years ago, May 14th was the day that David Ben Gurion declared the founding of the State of Israel. Then, like now, it was a Friday, and tragically, then like now, the Jewish state was threatened by violence and terror.
And while it is true that today our beloved land has one of the most powerful armies and is admired as the start-up nation, Israel still needs our help. Two simple ways to help are:
1. Writing our political leaders and reminding them of the importance of the State of Israel to the United States. We can no longer depend on the history of bipartisan support – we have to work to make it happen. To help with that – AIPAC has created a simple tool – click here.
2. Add a frame to your Facebook and Instagram accounts – declaring your support for the State of Israel. One such frame comes from Consul General Ezra – click here. Once you are at his page, click the “Try it” button on the bottom right side, and approve the frame design by clicking on the “Use Profile Picture” button.
And of course, speak up in support of Israel, keep abreast of the latest news, and pray for the safety of the citizens and the wisdom of the leadership of our beloved land!
Today was the final day of classes for our senior class. After davening, we were finally able to take a group picture at the ICJA menorah.
Later, during 5th period they had a kumzitz outside with Rabbi fox and Mrs. Friedman. And then during 6th period, they received their yearbooks – kol hakavod to editors in chief, Simone Miller, Asher Pressburger, and Hannah Wasserman, to all the yearbook staff and of course to Mr. Olson, the faculty advisor. A very special “shout out” to Mrs. Goldstein, our English department chair, to whom the yearbook was dedicated.
But that wasn’t all – because, after receiving their yearbooks, we distributed their caps and gowns (make sure to hang them up to remove the wrinkles) and then, courtesy of Max and Brenda Wasserman, they had lunch together, pizza and fries under the tent.
It was a terrific final day – but there is still more to come. Seniors, remember to bring in your checks for retreat. The three-day program at Camp CHI is $300. As always, if someone cannot afford the cost of the retreat, please see Mr. London – we want everyone to come and will do everything we can to make it possible.
While all of that was happening, I was also in communication with the Skokie Board of Health regarding next steps. The first thing they asked is to urge all students to get vaccinated as soon as possible. And then, they reported that despite the CDC ruling, there are still several legislative steps that need to happen before we can consider relaxing the masking rule inside of schools. Outside, things are now much more relaxed, but inside it appears that we will remain with masks through the end of the school year.
Shabbat is coming! Candle lighting is at 7:43. And here is the link to my Dvar Torah for this week – click here.
Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach, stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
2 Sivan 5781
May 13, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
What a great day today was – a vaccine clinic, an EMT event, a briefing by the Consulate, the latest news from the CDC, and most importantly, teachers who are in-person teaching students who continue to amaze us with their creativity, commitment, and joy!
By now, some of you have seen the pictures on social media of our vaccine clinic. Sixty-two 9th and 10th grade students received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Thanks to the organization and experience of the staff and medical personnel of Refuah 311, it went forward without a hitch. Thank you again to Sara Porush and Rabbi Sruli Matzliach and all of their volunteers.
Over lunch, there was a very successful EMT recruitment event with Zvi Montrose, Jacob Dickman, and Carly Salinger of Hatzalah. Three years ago, we began to offer an EMT course, and we look forward to doing it for many years. It’s a senior elective and leads to certification as a licensed EMT. A number of the course’s alumni are using their training to volunteer in Israel, and we hope that this year’s participants will finish soon and be able to follow in their footsteps. But we need some more members of the Class of 2022 to sign up for the EMT course – which was why Zvi, Jacob, and Carly were here talking about the program and giving pizza for all who came.
Then, of course, came the announcement of the CDC that fully vaccinated persons can be unmasked indoors, even in groups. I know many people are excited about this – and tomorrow, I have a meeting with the Skokie Board of Health, which I am sure will give us guidance on the next steps. Of course, our medical committee will weigh in on this, and whether we will be allowed to begin removing masks this academic year, next year will iy”h back to normal!
Finally, came an excellent briefing from the Consulate on the current situation in Israel with Dr. Daniel Aschheim, the Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest. His presentation was wonderful and important. To watch the event, click here. Thank you again to Renie Schreiber, Press Officer & Jewish Outreach Director at the Consulate, and Consul General Aviv Ezra for helping us create this program.
Tomorrow is the last day of classes for our seniors. During breakfast all seniors will be taking a class picture – please come dressed in “Shabbat clothing.” During 6th period we will host them for lunch in the tents at which time they will also receive their caps & gowns and yearbooks!
Seniors, remember to bring in your checks for retreat. The three-day program at Camp CHI is $300. As always, if someone cannot afford the cost of retreat, please see Mr. London – we want everyone to come and will do everything we can to make it possible. And yes – graduation is coming!!
Finally, tomorrow, Erev Shabbat, periods 10, 11, and 12 meet, and school will be dismissed at 3:34 pm.
Stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
1 Sivan 5781
May 12, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Today is the 45th day of the Omer. Which means that Shavuot is just around the corner. But even before Shavuot is the final day of classes for the seniors! Which, you can feel it in the air, as our seniors are getting ready to move forward, leaving our juniors to become seniors, sophomores to become juniors, and freshmen to become sophomores. And then we’ll start all over again, with a new class, new energy, and new opportunities to inspire.
This afternoon, our seniors are being interviewed outside for their graduation video. And Friday, their last day of class, we will be treating them to lunch in the tents, passing out their caps and gowns, and distributing their yearbooks to them!
But before they leave, on May 19th is their Oratory Fair! This program is our annual opportunity to showcase Mrs. Goldstein’s public speaking students and will take place live in-person in school and online for parents, friends, and others. There will be two groups of speakers, the first at 6:00 pm and the second will begin at 7:30 pm. To watch online, here is the link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85241112839?pwd=bDgwdFBndmpTdnFwYjR4Q2xMaUFYUT09
During 8th period today, Ms. Gleicher’s 9th-grade Biology students had a chance to hear a guest speak – Dr. Dania Lees. Dr. Lees is an ER doctor at Lutheran General and spoke with them about her experiences treating COVID patients over this past year.
The students were great, as were the questions that continued to be asked until the end of her session. Of course, part of the reason was that our 9th graders’ most recent science unit has been about COVID, and so they were well prepared.
On that note, I am pleased to report that nearly 80% of our eligible 9th and 10th graders are scheduled to receive the Pfizer vaccine at tomorrow’s clinic. Parents, when you arrive, please enter the school though the double doors at the southwest corner of the gym. As Dr. Lees noted, our school is among the first to provide this opportunity for the under 16 age group, and again we thank Refuah311 for facilitating this effort.
Since yesterday, I have been asked numerous times whether we will be mandating the vaccine for students in the coming year. The answer is that such a policy is under review, and our medical team will be making their recommendations in the coming month to our board. If we adopt such a policy, we will inform our parents early enough so that all of our students can be in full compliance.
Tomorrow is the 11th-grade lunch hosted by Hatzalah, and tomorrow at 8:00 pm, the mechanchim are hosting a special pre-Shavuot mishmar at the school – 8:00 pm.
Finally, on a serious note, I know how everyone is concerned about the situation in Israel. Of course, our tefillot are important and our advocacy, whether with our political leaders, the media or our neighbors is important. But it is also important that we try to understand the situation as best as possible. This morning, Dr. Gerald Steinberg published a very good piece in the LA – click here to read it.
Stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
29 Iyar 5781
May 11, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
What an exciting day! Not only did I get to see some great student work and help some of the seniors with planning their Retreat, but, as some of you know, we were able to arrange for an on-site vaccine clinic for our 9th and 10th-grade students for this coming Thursday!
Of course, we couldn’t have made these arrangements were it not for the support and guidance of Refuah 311, a division of The Chicago Center. Both Rabbi Sruli Matzliach and Mrs. Sara Porush (ICJA ’95) of Refuah311 were instrumental in making this happen – and we thank them for this and so much more!
The bottom line is that every student at ICJA is now eligible to receive the vaccine! If you did not pre-register with Refuah311, please do so ASAP (click here). As soon as you complete the form for an ICJA student, they will send you a unique code to register for one of the available times (10a-12p on Thursday). However, they have requested that a parent/guardian be present at the time of the vaccination. If this is not possible, please email me ASAP.
While all of the planning for this clinic was going on, I had a chance to visit some classrooms. Rabbi Rosen’s junior boys were learning Chumash – and he was using an impressive set of slides to guide them through the text they were learning. Yaasher koach!
Next, I had a chance to meet with some of the seniors who are planning their Retreat. While this is the 45th year of Retreat (my ICJA class had the first one!), I don’t ever remember a group of seniors who were more invested in making this event so special. I’ll have more to share about the program as we get closer to the event (May 25-27).
And then, I had the chance to watch some of the final presentations from Mr. Keller’s STEM class. I wrote about them before, but their projects were genuinely outstanding: everything from Isaac Zipperstein’s device to set up a wi-fi network and take control of a computer, to Zeke Zwelling’s safe that could only be opened with a code and a fob, to Dave Holman and Noah Brody pod that can automatically maintain the amount of moisture and sunshine for plants. But I missed Moshe Lodkin’s drone that he was working on – sorry. In the coming weeks, these projects will be entered in a national competition, and I have a feeling that we have some winners in our future!
Thursday, (after the vaccine clinic) all 11th graders are invited to a pizza lunch under the tents and hosted by Hatzalah. Come during your lunch period and hear about the incredible opportunities available to you during senior year to learn to be an EMT!
Thursday night at 8:00 pm, the mechanchim are hosting a special pre-Shavuot mishmar at the school, 8:00 pm. There will be divrei Torah and, of course, cholent (see the attached flyer).
And… next Thursday night May 20th CoPo will be hosting an even bigger mishmar! Learning, cholent, and swag. But for this mishmar – you need to sign up – click here! For more information, see the attached flyer.
Tomorrow is another early dismissal day. We skip 9th period, and tomorrow is the AP English test.
Stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
28 Iyar 5781
May 10, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Today is Yom Yerushalayim, and while due to COVID restrictions, our celebration was muted, we still were able to have a very meaningful program, direct from Yerushalayim.
Rabbi Chanan Bina, a rebbe at Netiv Meir and son of Rabbi Aharon and Malka Bina, spoke to our students from the rooftop of Netiv Aryeh. Overlooking both the Kotel and the Temple Mount, his presentation combined both the story of his grandfather who, soon after the Six Day War, founded Yeshivat HaKotel and a wonderful explanation of why G-d promised never to enter the Heavenly Jerusalem until we were able to enter the earthly Jerusalem.
Coming as it did on the very day that Hamas fired rockets into Yerushalayim, he asked our students when they davened and bentched to think a little bit extra about Yerushalayim. But he also told them what his grandfather taught when he also established Yeshivat Ramat HaGolan – that anywhere where there is Torah study will always be part of the Jewish homeland.
Finally, Rabbi Bina showed us the growing crowd at the Kotel, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, and then walked to the other side of the rooftop to show us the Moslem Quarter and the street which leads to the Temple Mount.
Before Rabbi Bina spoke, I shared with our students the latest video from World Mizrachi. It is one of the best videos I have ever seen about the meaning of this day, and earlier in the day, I wrote to Rabbi Doron Perez, the CEO of World Mizrachi, to congratulate him on the production. I encourage you to watch – it’s less than 8-1/2 minutes long – here is the link!
This is the final week of classes for our seniors. In addition to APs, many of them are having finals. Walking the halls, their enthusiasm is palpable, and even some of their “shtick” (today, most of them wore sweatshirts with the names of the colleges where they are headed). We’ll miss them – but we’re not done with them yet. In a couple of weeks will be senior retreat, then graduation, and then “lock-in.”
By the way – words on shirts/sweatshirts, etc., unless from a Jewish organization is against the uniform rules. Why? Because there is a uniform as lenient as we might be, and no one wants to start reading shirts to determine what is appropriate and what is not. So please help us maintain the rules.
This week our 9-11th grade students will be participating in the first of two surveys. The first will be about Hebrew at ICJA, and the second will be about the science program. These surveys are part of our annual review of the curriculum when we choose one subject area in limudei kodesh and one in limudei chol.
Thursday, all 11th graders are invited to a pizza lunch under the tents and hosted by Hatzalah. Come during your lunch period and hear about the incredible opportunities available to you during senior year to learn to be an EMT!
Tomorrow is an early dismissal day and we skip 4th period. Also tomorrow is the AP Psych test.
Stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
25 Iyar 5781
May 7, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
I have a lot of things to share with you today, but first and foremost, I just received a report from Rabbi Fliegelman on this year’s senior class. There is a lot of information to digest, but I am very proud to report that 87% of our graduates are planning on spending their “fifth year” in Israel!
In addition, for the first time, the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign is the penultimate college of choice for our senior class. This is a testament to the hard work that Jewish groups (Hillel, Chabad, and JET) are doing to improve Jewish life on campus and reflects the reality of growing costs of out-of-state universities. A full report of the universities our students were accepted to will be forthcoming in our annual report.
Earlier this afternoon, I had a chance to visit a few classes. In Mrs. Pederson’s 12th-grade math class, her students were hard at work on a quiz. This may not seem that unusual, but given that next week is the last week of classes for our seniors, to see them so focused on their work was impressive.
I also dropped into Ms. Gleicher’s 9th-grade Biology class, where they were doing online research on the COVID-19 vaccine. The students were working in small groups researching the differences and impact of the vaccine. But even more, as Dory Marshall explained to me, they were using a specific rubric to evaluate the sources of data they were finding – before including the information in their reports. It is great to see how our sconce classes can bridge the theoretical with real-life applications.
On my way out of those classes, I happened upon four boys playing chess. As you may remember, chess is one of the most popular clubs at ICJA, and throughout the day, it is not unusual to see at least one or two games taking place in the Math/Science Commons.
But something seemed a little different about this game. So I went over to ask the boys. Sam Gurvich explained that they were playing “bughouse,” which is a team variation on chess. As a result, when Adam Schwartz (who was playing Noah Strahlberg) would capture a piece, Sam (Adam’s teammate) could add that piece to his board in his game against Yonatan Nudman. I’m not sure what was more surprising – that chess remains one of the most popular clubs at ICJA or that our students would be finding variations of chess to spice up their games!
On Wednesday, our Senior class will be distributing the new Keter yearbooks. Students who have not purchased a yearbook – should see Hannah Wasserman, Asher Pressburger, or the front office. The cost is $30, and checks should be made payable to ICJA.
Shabbat is coming soon. Candle lighting is at 7:36 pm. This week, my dvar Torah is not only about the parsha but about Yom Yerushalayim. To watch it – click here.
Also, Sunday’s scheduled baseball game has been canceled.
Shabbat Shalom, stay safe, stay in touch, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
24 Iyar 5781
May 6, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Every year, JUF hosts a day school night at which we can express our appreciation to our Federation while enjoying a presentation by a note-worthy speaker.
This year, JUF has taken a different approach and is celebrating our teachers via an online bulletin board where parents, students, and colleagues can post “thank you” notes to teachers. It only takes a few minutes, but it is one more way that we can show our appreciation. This is the link.
Talking about teachers, this morning, I learned about an article that Mrs. Olivia Friedman just wrote, and that is posted at Lehrhaus. She discusses the use of pop culture in Judaic Studies and explains why she feels it is a valuable tool in helping here teach. The article is found here and includes links to some of her/our students’ projects.
As I mentioned yesterday, Refuah 311 has begun pre-registration for the vaccine for our students under 16. They are gearing up to be ready once the FDA approves it for the next age group. It is essential for everyone’s safety that as many people as possible receive the vaccine – as soon as possible! Here is the link – please sign up today!
Last night, I had a chance to watch part of the girls’ soccer game. While everyone was disappointed with the outcome, it was still a great game. The girls played hard, and the fans were there – and it was great to see our home games finally played at home! There are still a few games left in the season, including a home game next Tuesday at 5:30 at ICJA. And… Abigail Koenig and Aiden Eisenstein – here’s your shout-out!
This afternoon I had a chance to meet with members of the senior class to plan the Senior Retreat. Because of the pandemic and some unusual conflicts it has created, not everyone will be able to join us this year. But I am very proud of Ayden Allswang, Noa Brasch, Ezra Landman-Feigelson, David Holman, and Tali Rosenzweig for their enthusiasm and willingness to help create a memorable program. Because everyone will be fully vaccinated, it will be our first program that will be nearly identical to pre-COVID events – which is very exciting. I thank Rabbi Fox and Ms. Nylund for all of the work they have done behind the scenes and look forward to a great event.
Finally, Shira David, who is co-Mazkirat Galil of Bnei Akiva, asked me to send out this link for students who will be in 10th-12th grades and wants to be hadracha for Bnei Akiva next year! Aloh-Naaleh! Click here.
Tomorrow is the AP Euro test, periods 7-9 will meet, and dismissal will be at 3:34 pm.
Stay safe, stay in contact, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
25 Iyar 5781
May 5, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Let me start with some of the big news:
1. Refuah 311 has pre-registration for our students who are under 16 to receive the vaccine as soon as the FDA approves it. It is essential for everyone’s safety that as many people as possible receive the vaccine – as soon as possible! Here is the link – please sign up today!
2. The Skokie Board of Health has just given us permission to invite to our graduation not only members of the immediate households of our graduates but also siblings and grandparents, and faculty. Graduates will be seated in family pods. As we get closer to the event, we may even be able to expand the list of guests!
3. The ICJA Dinner has also received permission to be an in-person event following all CDC guidelines. While there will be an online option, we look forward to celebrating in-person the accomplishments of those who have helped us navigate safely through this pandemic. Join us on June 10 to celebrate Dr. Ben Katz, Dr. Amy Kaissar, and Rabbi Dr. Binyomin Segal!
Earlier today, I was pleased to be on a zoom call with David (’83) and Julie Maeir. Last year, they established an Israel scholarship in memory of their son, Caleb (’16), z”l. Today’s call was to inform the two ICJA seniors of their selection – mazal tov Tali Rosenzweig and Rachel Schwartz. Next year, Tali will be attending Midreshset HaRova, and Rachel will be at MMY. We thank the Maeirs for supporting our students and letting us continue to honor Caleb’s memory.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. On Monday, ATT and JUF delivered candy to all of our teachers, and tomorrow, the Academy Associates will be hosting lunch for all of our faculty. Both are welcome expressions of appreciation for our amazing faculty.
But earlier this week, I received a letter from a former student who attended ICJA for just one year until her family moved out of town. She wrote to me with a request – to share her immense thanks to the teachers at ICJA for giving her the best year of her life! I sent a copy of her letter to each of her 9th-grade teachers, and I saved it because it reminded me how fortunate we are to have the best faculty at ICJA. Of course, not everything is perfect, and there are sometimes bumps in the road, but our teachers give of themselves in ways no one can imagine. Therefore, if you have or had a teacher who you really appreciated – maybe take a few minutes and drop them a note this week. A message of thanks from a current or former student is a most treasured communication!
Don’t forget about Grandparents Night – tonight at 7:30 pm. There will be fun, prizes, and an opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, grandparents, and relatives from around the country! Thanks again to our co-chairs Adele Gorenstein, Barbara Hanus, and Debbie Hartman! Here is the link for tonight’s program.
Tomorrow is the AP US test.
Stay safe, stay in contact, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
22 Iyar 5781
May 4, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
Tomorrow is going to be a very big day – because at 7:30 pm we will be hosting our annual Grandparents Night on zoom. But unlike pre-COVID times, because this program will be on zoom, it will be open to the entire community, students, parents, grandparents, and the many friends of ICJA.
This year we are thrilled to host a unique intergeneration program of “Name That Tune” featuring Mark Weiser’s “Shake Rattle and Roll Dueling Pianos.” There will be fun, prizes, and an opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, grandparents, and relatives from around the country! For the Grandparent RSVP, click here – https://forms.gle/2po1A9Qvo9aVcEEb6, and for Students/Parents, please click here – https://forms.gle/VRRrSYpTh9ixD1W67. Thanks to our co-chairs Adele Gorenstein, Barbara Hanus, and Debbie Hartman!
As I’m sure you know, ICJA has many talented students. From academics to ping-pong and everything in between, our students continue to excel in so many ways. Over the past several weeks, those of us in the building have seen some examples of excellence in art via the banners created by our advanced art students and hanging in the cafeteria. Ms. Kelly, our art teacher, assigned a project to create artwork that would illustrate the idea of being together while apart, and our students responded with amazing works. Kudos to Tehillah David, Rachel Margolin, Charli Ernstein, Sarah Friedman, Dahlia Matanky, and Gabi Rosenzweig for the beautiful artwork on display.
Student Council has asked that I encourage everyone to buy the new ICJA Tennis Warmup. It costs $15 and follows in the tradition of the ICJA Lacrosse Warmup. Here is the link – https://forms.gle/DNLLaukkMbVsQn7S9.
As I’m sure that you have heard, in the coming days, the FDA is poised to grant approval in the coming days for the Pfizer vaccine for children 12-15 years old. This is very exciting news for us because it means that before the end of the school year, all of our students will be eligible for the vaccine, and we will be a giant leap forward for returning to the way school used to be before COVID.
Tomorrow we will be administering the AP English exams and AP Physics 1 exam. PLEASE NOTE: Tomorrow night’s baseball game against RZ has been rescheduled to Monday night. Also, tomorrow is an early dismissal, and we skip 8th period.
Finally, next Monday is Yom Yerushalayim – the 54th anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem. At ICJA, we will celebrate that historic event with a special tefilla and a program during 3rd period. Stay tuned – more information to follow!
Stay safe, stay in contact, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy
21 Iyar 5781
May 3, 2021
Dear ICJA Family:
It was a little strange this morning greeting students at the front doors without a temperature check. After nine months of a routine, even the students paused for a moment looking for the kiosks. But we are slowly moving forward!
This was also evident throughout the day as students had access for the first time to their lockers. As I shared last week, the system is a little complicated, but the goal is to limit the number of students in the locker bays to no more than 25% occupancy. It seemed to work today, and hopefully, everyone will continue to do their part to stay safe.
Many of us are still trying to come to terms with last week’s tragedy in Meron. Yesterday, I as did more than 40,000 others watch the live broadcast of Donny Morris, z”l, funeral. While I did not know him, I do know his grandfather, who is now retired from a distinguished career as a military chaplain, and my son Avi was the admissions director at MTA when Donny was accepted.
Many of our teachers spent time on Friday and today speaking to their classes about the tragedy. In his 9th grade Talmud class, Rabbi Gross went a step further and talked about what they can do after such a tragedy. It’s what Rav Soloveitchik referred to as reframing the question from “lamah” (why) to “l’mah” (for what). His students came up with ideas of performing mitzvot with greater intensity and care as a merit for the neshamot of the victims. Some plan to be more careful with saying maariv, others with brachot, and others with asher yatzar, and netilat yadayim and birkat hamazon. But most importantly, Rabbi Gross told me how proud he was of the seriousness with which they took the discussion and the suggestions offered.
Today was the first day of AP tests which will continue for more than two weeks and include eleven different tests! Today was AP Physics C, and tomorrow is AP Calculus. Good luck to all of our students on these tests, and thank you to our teachers, who continue to prepare them so very well!
This past Friday, I made a mistake in my update – and didn’t give Shiri Kolom the credit she deserved announcing the post-Shavuot mishmar from COPO. More information will be forthcoming soon – and thanks, Shiri and all of the rest of the COPO committee, for doing such wonderful things this year.
Finally, our basketball coach Lee Gruen, and our fencing coach, Ed Kaihatsu, will not be returning next year. We thank them for their dedicated service to the school and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Tomorrow is an early dismissal, and we skip 3rd period.
Stay safe, stay in contact, and be inspired!
Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.
Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy