Yom Ha’Atzmaut at ICJA
On Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, ICJA students spent the day celebrating Israel! After a special all-school morning davening, students celebrated a siyum, then welcomed Israeli Consul General Yinam Cohen to our school once again. Students enjoyed a fun Israeli-style “shuk” which brought a taste of Israel into our school. Students and faculty then headed downtown where we made our voices heard at the JUF’s Stand with Israel rally in Daley Plaza.
Back at school, students enjoyed a delicious Israeli barbeque lunch cooked by our own Rabbi Segal, music and dancing. It was an inspiring, meaningful way to celebrate Israel amidst the grief and worry of this difficult year. Yom haatzmaut sponsored by the Gertz family in memory of Doris and Paul Rosenberg.