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Senior Joins Prestigious Heart Health Conference

November 20, 2014

Senior Gila Baer this week attended the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions conference here in Chicago, the world’s largest meeting...

Antigone Comes to Life

November 13, 2014

When sophomores tackled Antigone this fall in English classes, it wasn’t with the usual trepidation most high school students experience...

Alumni Aces Honored

Alumni Aces, Shlomit Braun (’11) and Rita Gordon (’11), were named to the women’s soccer All Conference team for their...

Halacha Program Piloted at ICJA

We are very proud to have been selected to pilot a new halacha course with Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and...

Rabbi Matanky Addresses 500 at Groundbreaking

November 4, 2014

48 years ago, my parents took my sister, my brothers and I to the groundbreaking for the newly renamed Ida...

Thirty Six Seniors in NHS

October 24, 2014

By Anat Berday-Sacks Wednesday evening, Academy staff, students and families gathered to celebrate the new inductees to the National Honor...

Running from Honor

By Seth Wasserman, a d’var Torah from the National Honor Society induction ceremony Our world is filled with people who...

U of C Honors Ms. Sennett

October 23, 2014

Congratulations to Ms. Susan Sennett, long time Academy teacher, on being nominated for the University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award!...

Champion Cross Country Runners

October 22, 2014

The running Aces finished an incredible season, with the varsity girls finishing first in the Chicago Prep Conference for the...

ICJA #ChallahChallenge

September 18, 2014

Remember the #icebucketchallenge? This is better. You get a mitzvah, give tzedakah and eat homemade challah. Help us launch our...

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